Trademark Rectification

After registration of Trademark, any error or omission that has been made in the Trademark register, an application is to be filed with the dept to rectify the existing Trademark application.

₹  1499 /- + Govt Fee For best offers

(Inclusive of all taxes)

It is advisable to file the response within one month of notice.

Work with our Intellectual property experts, we will -

We will analyse the notice.

We will consult the implications.

We will do the required documentation.

We will likely get it cleared.

We will protect your brand.

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Trademark is a visual symbol which may be a word signature, name, device, label, numerals or combination of colours used by one undertaking on goods or services or other articles of commerce to distinguish it from other similar goods or services originating from a different undertaking.

  • Trademarks help to communicate to your users

  • Trademarks help your customers to find you

  • Trademarks helps you to effectively utilize social media & web presence

  • Trademark value grow with time and it is an effective measure to invest via marketing

  • Unique Identification in Market

  • You will enjoy exclusive right over the trademark

  • Builds trust and credibility on your Goods/Services

  • Protection against Infringement

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