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Trademark your brand name, logo, company name, product name, label, device name, slogan
(Professional fee for trademark filing)
When is Trademark™ ® required?
Free Consultation for right trademark name.
We will conduct a thorough search of the TM Directory.
We will suggest you the right classes to apply.
We will draft & file the trademark application for you.
Trademark is a unique identity symbol which may be a word signature,
name, device, label, brand name, logo, company name which help to distinguish one business from another.
If you are starting a business, it can be either a goods or a service or a brand, it is really important that you apply for trademark so that you protect your business name / product name from being copied and also create an Intellectual asset.
In India, trademarks are registered by the Controller General of Patents, Designs and Trademarks, Ministry of Industry and Commerce, Government Of India. You can register the trademark under the act named, The Trademark Act, 1999.
Registering your trademark gives you exclusive rights in the trademark across India for 10 years.
Trademark gives the right to the owner to take legal action against someone who try to copy the business name, brand name or product name.
Once you register a trademark, you can use an R symbol along with it, and it will be valid till 10 years from the date of registration. You can easily get a ™ within 3 days. In case the trademark registration is nearing expiry date, you can always get it re-registered for another ten years.
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Trademarks help to communicate to your users
Trademarks help your customers to find you
Trademarks helps you to effectively utilize social media & web presence
Trademark value grow with time and it is an effective measure to invest via marketing
Unique Identification in Market
You will enjoy exclusive right over the trademark
Builds trust and credibility on your Goods/Services
Protection against Infringement
You can trademark Business name, product name, website domain name, brand name, logo or slogan.
Trademark search is done to check if the name to be registered is already taken by others or is closely similar to existing trademarks in trademark database. Proper trademark search is important in trademark registration process.Get Free Search Report
As soon as you file the application, you receive an acknowledgement, which gives you the right to use the ™ symbol. Once it's registered, you can use the ® symbol.
Trademark lawyer or trademark attorney specialised in Trademark laws. It is recommended to get your trademark application filed by a valid trademark consultant.
At Lawyer24x we provide free trademark consulation to help you file the right trademark. Get Free Trademark Consultation
Yes, At Lawyer24x our experts with years of Trademark experience make sure your trademark application is filed correct and help you secure the trademark.
Our experts will consult you for the trademark, then our experts will do a trademark search report and class discussion and then we will file a well drafted trademark application to register your brand name, logo, business name, slogan or any other name you want to trademark.
Best prices to help you launch your business, register your trademark or drafting your business contracts.
Direct communication with experts. We have a team of dedicated Lawyers / CA
No more rushing around and wasting your time at Lawyer/CA offices.
Lawyer24x team operates 100% online, consult your business advisor at the comfort of your home.
Lawyer24x has been helping startups & small businesses with registration, trademarks, licenses, GST, legal contracts since 2017.
We are committed to provide best professional services at affordable prices. Our team of experienced and professional consultants will help you achieve your business goals and will take extra steps to protect your rights & liabilities.
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